Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Life of the Bear Part 17

As I was walking to the Science Center that morning, I knew that it would turn out to be a bad day. The day already started out bad. I lost my good socks, I did not have time to eat any breakfast, and Marjorine woke me up at 5:15 am with all her snoring. I feared what might happen next that might just add to this already awful day. Maybe I will get in a fight with another bear, or maybe I will trip and fall into a big pile of bear poo. But I was not expecting what was going to happen when I reached the Science Center.
I walked up to the front doors, and right in front of me were all the polar bears that should be inside by now, each at a computer clicking and typing away. But no, they were all outside starring at the front door. it took me 45 minutes to reach the front door because so many bears were outside looking at it. But when i finally reached the door, a letter from the Bear Emperor was nailed to the front of the door.
Dear my Polar Bears,
"As many of you already know, it is getting hotter by the day. unlike other organisms, us polar bears live in a habitat that can not stay with this hot weather. This heat is getting trapped in our atmosphere because of greenhouse gases. the greenhouse gases are created when fuels, oils, and coals are burned. Fuel, oil, and coal are burned so that humans can live a more convenient life style. unfortunately, their way of life is conflicting with ours, and will will fight to make sure our species is not wiped off the face of the earth. Action is not going to take part for a while, but more information will be available in a couple of weeks.
Sincerely, The Polar Bear Emperor."

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