Monday, May 26, 2008

The Life of the Bear Part 12

Today was just like any other day. I woke up, ate a small breakfast of scrambled bird eggs, and I walked to the Science Center to research more on global warming. But, instead of researching global warming, the bears that ran the meetings told us to research what humans thought of this issue. So I started my search.
I found that some of the humans actually want to help us polar bear. They say that if they do not change, and stop global warming, the whole polar bear population will be gone by the end of the century. Others however do not believe that global warming is real, and just believe that this is just a long heat wave that will end soon. And some think that us polar bears are going to adapt in another land and be like our bears cousins who live in the forest. But we have already started a society here. We do not want to move to another home because people can not drive fuel efficient cars, or change their light bulbs to a more energy saving brand?

1 comment:

Max said...

In this paragraph, there care a few grammer aqnd spelling mistakes. but good so far.