Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Life of the Bear Part 10

Spring is coming. Us polar bears believe that spring is the worst season of the year. When spring comes around, the weather becomes hotter than any other time. But now, because of global warming, the weather is becoming hotter earlier and earlier each year. The ice will melt at a faster rate, which means that our ice that we hunt on will be melted away until Autumn. We polar bears usually live off of our fat until Autumn when the ice will come back. But the ice freezes later and later each year and most of us do not have enough fat on us to live through the summer. if we do not do something, I think a lot of us are going to die.
This is the last that us polar bears can go out hunting before we have to stay in until Autumn comes. Any bear, hunter or not, could go with another hunter bear to try and get as much fish as possible. I went with my wife. She taught me how to hunt. She said the method she usually hunts with, is waiting by an opening in the ice until a sea creature swims to the top. She says that usually she will get a seal or a walrus or just a few fish when she come out to hunt. Lately she says that she will be lucky if she gets one or two fish or a few dead birds in one whole day of hunting.
By the time the day was over, we had only caught four fish. When we got home, our mailbox had a notice in it.
"Dear all Polar Bears,
I am sure you all know that the heat season has begun, and all polar bears should stay in the caverns until it is over. Only the most experienced polar bear hunters will go out during the season to hunt for the rest of us. This letter was sent to every residence in the cavern. We hope that everyone has a safe summer.
Sincerely, The Polar Bear Emperor."

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